Two nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to our house alarm going off. I was terrified! I think it should be noted my greatest fear is having one of my children kidnapped, and if it were to happen from their own home, that would be even worse! Because our homes are supposed to be a safe haven, and if we can't even feel safe in our own homes, that is a terribly sad thing. This fear is so real, and runs so deep, that I make us set the alarm every single night. Jaren would love to sleep with the windows open sometimes, like in the fall and spring, but since he's married to me, that is simply not an option.
So, yeah, I was out cold the other night when the alarm started going off. Sure that there was someone in our house I hit Jaren and told him to get up. I bolted upright and grabbed my mace that sits next to my bed only to have Jaren tell me that lightning can set off a house alarm, and now that he mentioned it, and I was becoming a little more awake, there was an insane amount of lighting! Lightning like I had never seen before. It was blinding and repetitive.
While Jaren got up to inspect the house, just in case, I googled if lightning could set off a house alarm, and sure enough, it can. I still knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep until I knew that both boys were in their beds and the windows were locked. Even after getting back in bed, with the adrenaline that was now coursing through my veins and the lightning that continues it's wrath outside, it made it very hard to sleep.
When I woke up the next morning, tired still, I just laid there in my bed. I had the thought that I literally had no reason to get out of bed! Not a single one! My kids are old enough and self sufficient enough that they were already up and doing school on their own. Everything for young women's was taken care of. Nobody was expecting me or needing me anywhere and I couldn't even work out because of my hurt back. I stewed on that thought for a minute and then decided that was the most depressing thought ever and forced myself to get up!
So today I decided that I am going to set some mini goals. Some things I can do each day to give my days value and meaning!
Here are my goals for today, April 30, 2020.
- Spend at least 1 hour working on my Shine project
- take Lisa's guitar into the guitar center, if it opens. I want to learn how o play the guitar and I am committed to spending a half hour a day on practicing!
- Call the young women who are graduation and find to if they want to stay in young women through the summer or transition to relief society.
- do laundry
- make dinner
- read my personal scriptures
- read family scriptures
- check on some tee shirt orders and make sure they're coming
- order a new hat
Okay, those are my goals for the day!
We watched Groundhog Day as a family and that's how I feel right now. Every single day is the exact same and I have got to make something meaningful out of this time! There is a line in that movie that had me laughing so hard, the main character was talking to someone on the phone and he said, "What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today!" Yup!!
Well, by the end of the movie he has learned how to play the piano and become a totally new person. So here is my commitment to use this time, where it feels like there is never a tomorrow, to make something more! And it starts today, with my list of goals!
Finishing up my post feeling grateful, and wishing I could spread this feeling to everyone! Here's to a great day.
Austin took this picture this morning and I love it! This is it, this has become my station while in quarantine. Well, I share it with Caleb, but this is our space! This describes my life pretty well right now. The laundry that has been sitting here for days, waiting to be folded ( I hate folding laundry), the small birthday gifts for the two young women who have birthdays this week, the sidewalk chalk (right next to the laundry baskets on the bench) that has been used well for the young women, the Boden catalog that I just ordered some new clothes from, and all of Caleb's school work sitting on the chair.
All that laundry? It should Abe gone tomorrow! That's one of my goals for today, the laundry!!