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Writer's pictureEmily Taylor

June 22, 2020

Yesterday was Fathers Day and for some reason, this year, it was a really special day!

The morning started out with a family breakfast of pancakes, eggs and chicken sausage and then the boys gave Jaren their fathers day gift, a scooter. They came up with this gift a month so ago and while he was in Florida, we drove out to Plano to pick it up. It's been sitting on top of Caleb's bed for a month now and the boys were so excited to give it to Jaren. Jaren was equally as excited to receive it. We then went on a family scooter ride. Well, I walked with Roxy, but it was still a fun morning.

When we got back we all got ready for church and then we headed over to Ron and Lisa's house where we met up with Jessi and her kids, Zac and Andrea and their family, and Jake and Kira and their family. We held a sacrament meeting which was a mix of reverence and chaos. The thing I found interesting was that when we were doing the songs and the actual sacrament, that's when everyone - even all the young rambunctious boys - were quiet, still and the spirit was strong. When it came time to just sit and talk it was a little more chaotic, but that's to be expected when you have all hose young kids together. Overall it was really nice to be with other people for church, to sing and to feel the spirit so strongly!

After church we prepared a lunch and just hung out. It was SO NICE to talk to these girls again. I love these three girls and anytime we get together we talk about real things. It's been so long since we've been together as a family and I didn't know how much I missed it until yesterday. Being with them seemed to fill some hole inside of me that I didn't know was missing. After so long of not being with people it felt like a tender mercy from God!

While we prepared lunch, Jaren set up the tripod and camera and took videos of everyone. Each person, individually, gave Ron a Happy Fathers Day message. We had the kids sing him a song and then we all got together and told him Happy Fathers Day. When we got home I put them all together, added a little music and we sent it to him over dropbox. It turned out really good! And here is the text Lisa send me: Wow, that was incredible. It made me cry, and Ron too. That was a ton of work but I really big boost for him. He has been so sick, he tries to put on a good face when he talks to everyone. While he is doing much better, he is not 100% yet, so thank you, from the bottom of my heart. ❤️

After we got home and put the video together, we headed to the Fish's house for some cookies.

Like I said, a very special day! Good to be with family, good to do something so special for Ron, and good to finish out the day with good friends who feel like family. I feel blessed and like life is good!

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